What is the FSET Third Party Program (TPP) Funding?
The FSET Third Party Program Funding is an opportunity for community organizations, businesses and technical colleges additional funding and allows them to expand their resources. Services could include: HSED or other educational degrees, customized trainings, certifications.
Here is what some of our partners are saying about TPP:
Holly McCoy, MA
Executive Director
Literacy Services of Wisconsin
“Literacy Services of Wisconsin values our third-party partnership with ResCare. LSW is committed to adult education and appreciates the support that our ResCare collaboration provides to our organization and our students. With our partnership, we have been able to support students beyond the academic focus of our mission and help bridge gaps in accessing additional resources that address direct barriers to completing a high school credential. ResCare caseworkers work directly with our staff to make sure there is a seamless transition from the onset of referral throughout a participant’s completion of an HSED. Adult literacy is vital to the process of improving workforce opportunities in Wisconsin.”
Jennifer de Montmollin
Chief Program Officer
YWCA Southeast Wisconsin
“Working with ResCare to access FSET Third Party Project (TPP) funding has been an excellent experience for our organization. The application process and funding period requirements are straight-forward and supported by ResCare staff. Most importantly, this funding creates life-changing opportunities for area residents. The expansion of YWCA Southeast Wisconsin’s lauded 5.09 HSED program to Racine was made possible, in large part, to TPP funding accessed through our partnership with ResCare. ResCare has then been able to offer their participants a high success educational option. Truly, TPP funding is a win-win. We’re grateful for the opportunity.”
Laura Heller
Site Director
WRTP/BIG STEP - Milwaukee
“WRTP/BIG STEP’s partnership with Rescare has had a positive impact on the clients we serve coming through our doors and connecting to their career pathways. Clients are able to gain access to supportive resources such as bus tickets, gas cards, clothing, protective gear and more while they are entering into pre-employment or pre-apprenticeship training. These resources and opportunities greatly help them as they make their next steps towards their career.”
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