Transform Milwaukee Jobs (TMJ) is a program that offers jobs to unemployed low-income adults in Milwaukee. TMJ can provide program participants with education and job training to help them prepare for a job.
To impact communities for the better, creating optimal environments for people in need of assistance, through attentive and quality service principles, so that they can live their best life.
Hands-on coaching and
for clients/participants
Opportunity to pay participants
for in-house work experience
with TMJ funding
Improved job readiness,
employ-ability, and retention
Individualized job placement
services centered around work
experience and skills development
Extra layer of support
navigating benefits and
public assistance programs
Referrals for other training
and education programs
W: 414-267-3316
M: 414-949-1702
1915 N. Martin Luther King Jr Dr. Milwaukee, WI 53212
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